C-Kers Online 6

Welcome to our 6th edition of C-Kers online. This edition we are going to continue to look at the parables of Jesus. If you remember, a parable is a story that has a heavenly meaning – the story teaches us something about God and how we may know him better. Today we are going to look at what’s been called the Parable of the Rich Fool. Before we do that, let’s look at another modern parable which teaches us something about God from a tea bag.

So, let’s look at the Parable of the Rich Fool. Here’s a little cartoon that tells us the story with as few words as possible!

Jesus told the story of a man whose land was very productive and he got huge harvests from it. Here’s what he said:

Luke 12:16-21  Then he told them this story: “The farm of a certain rich man produced a terrific crop. He talked to himself: ‘What can I do? My barn isn’t big enough for this harvest.’ Then he said, ‘Here’s what I’ll do: I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll gather in all my grain and goods, and I’ll say to myself, Self, you’ve done well! You’ve got it made and can now retire. Take it easy and have the time of your life!’

20 “Just then God showed up and said, ‘Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?’

21 “That’s what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God.”

Have you ever wondered where most of our food comes from? You only need to go for a short walk out of Felixstowe to come across fields where crops are growing – potatoes, sugar beet, wheat and other things. Unless we grow our own, famers grow crop on their fields and when they are harvested, they are packed and sold to us as food in the shops. But how do crops grow? It’s true that the farmer has to sow the seed, take care of the crop and then harvest it, but how much the farmer gets depends on how productive the land is. In Suffolk we are fortunate as our land is very fertile and there’s plenty of rain. Where does all that come from? It’s God who gives us the seasons, the weather, the soil.

The man in the story took it for granted that his land had made him very rich, so rich that he he felt that he’d made it in life. But he hadn’t thought about God. He hadn’t thought about others either, because rather than sell the crop to feed hungry people, he could keep as much back as he wanted to make sure that he would always be OK even if others weren’t.

This is a parable about why it is important not to be greedy and only think about ourselves, but think about God and what He gives us and think about others we could help with what we’ve got. God has given us His Son Jesus, who died for us so that whether we have a long life, or like the man in the story, have an unexpectedly short one, that we will get the most out of life by walking with Him and after that to spend eternity with Him. Getting the most out of life isn’t just thinking about ourselves, but thinking about God and thinking about others. Let’s ask God to give us the wisdom to follow Him and the kindness to help others.

Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus, who gave his life for us, so that we may know You and that You will be with us throughout both life and eternity. Please give me the desire to follow Jesus, to find the forgiveness and hope the He brings. Please help me to be like You in thinking of the needs of others around me, and being prepared to help them to the best of my ability. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

We’ve got some activities for you again this time. Have a look through, find the materials you need for the craft and off you go! There are two craft items, the Rich Fool Perspective and the Rich Fool Barn, and a colouring page. You’ll need to print the sheets out first.

There! That should keep you out of mischief for a while! Here’s a song to finish off this edition.