MRBC Sunday Service 22nd August 2021

In our service this Sunday we will be praying for Afghanistan and Haiti and hear a talk from Graeme Ross, our Regional Minister on Casting your nets on the other side. 10-30am at the Church.

Unfortunately, we don’t have semon notes this week, but there will be material on Afghanistan and Haiti that you will be able to pray through. We do however have Graeme’s service video below.

For reflection and discussion

Read John 21:1-14

1. Would you like to have been one of Jesus’ first disciples? Why or why not?

2. Graeme talks about some portrayals of the Christian faith as easy and joy-filled. Has that been true for you? We know that in the Bible, the disciples faced all sorts of problems and difficulties? But how many of our problems have come through trying to serve God, or have they been a result of our own actions?

3. Look at verses 1 to 3. Some of the disciples were experienced fishermen but found what they were doing was fruitless even though they had fished for years. Graeme talks about the way in which we have “done” church the same way over the years but may seem fruitless in our labours? How do you think we may be “stuck in our ways” and not connecting with those who don’t know Jesus?

4. Make disciples or attend services? What is our primary goal as church?

5. Read verses 5-6. How may we “cast our nets on the other side” at MRBC? What sorts of things are connecting with people we know and bringing then to faith?

6. How willing are we to be led by God into doing new things at MRBC as we come out of the pandemic?

Prayer for Afghanistan and Haiti

Please look at the post below for the prayer points we used at church.

Appeals for Afghanistan and Haiti

Several of the charities and missions we support have appeals for both Afghanistan and Haiti. If God is calling you to donate then here are the links to Tearfund which is supporting appeals to both destinations at the moment. Whether you give or not, please pray.

Afghanistan Donation Page

Haiti Donation Page


We also prayed for Felixstowe Town Pastors during the service. You can read more about their recent activities on the Churches Together Website.