Leadership team:
Elders: Andrew Marfleet, Steve Lineham.
Deacons: Ian Battiste, Mick Warner, Delyth Mayhew, Corinne Stockdale, Carol Gambell, Tim Leeming
Maidstone Road Baptist Church is a church family of all ages and backgrounds, who meet in Walton, the oldest part of Felixstowe. Our buildings date from 1812 although the church was founded in 1808.
The church is the only Eastern Baptist Association church on the Felixstowe peninsula, and is part of the Baptists Together. Our congregation is drawn from Walton, Felixstowe ans the Trimleys.
The church has a strong evangelical ethos and is a member of the Evangelical Alliance, and is in full agreement with its Basis of Faith. We are also active in Churches Together in Felixstowe, and have a good working relationship with our two immediate neighbours, St Mary’s Walton and Seaton Road Methodist Church.
In 2006, MRBC founded a Parish Nursing ministry which has grown in the intervening years. In 2011/12, the three churches entered into an innovative partnership as Walton Parish Nursing, which was registered as one of the first Charitable Incorporated Organisations in the UK, and is wholly owned by the three church fellowships. It is an exciting venture so do check out the WPN website.
MRBC has also been supportive, either as a church or though engagement by its members, of local organisations: Boost (Town Youth Worker), Hope Trust (Christian care of older people), Felixstowe Town Pastors, and Christians Against Poverty debt centre.