Prayer for Afghanistan and Haiti

Prayer for Afghanistan

In the past week we have all looked with concern at pictures coming from Afghanistan as the Taliban have taken over the country again as western countries have withdrawn their forces. It has massive implications for many in that land, including the small Afghan Christian community, which already faces severe persecution. As with all these big events, how do we pray into this situation? Here’s some helpful advice from Pete Greig. He gives us some insights from a from someone whose organisation needs to remain anonymous for obvious reasons:

“The fear for the Afghan people is not so much the unknown, but rather the known: a brutal regime where daily life is filled with unbearable tension: regular public executions, oppression for women, fear of a knock at the door from the Taliban.

For too long people in Afghanistan have looked for salvation from Western powers. Well that hasn’t worked. It’s failed spectacularly. We need our brothers and sisters in the global church to take spiritual responsibility and stand with us in prayer. “

Let’s lift our prayers urgently to heaven for:

1. The Afghan church. Protection, peace and courage for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are understandably terrified. Let’s pray that they experience the Lord walking with them and among them, saying: “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)

2. Political and humanitarian solutions for the vast number of Afghan refugees, ordinary people suddenly displaced from their homes by the terror the Taliban. May they discover that “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and he knows those who take refuge in Him.” (Nahum 1:7)

3. Wisdom for world leaders as they seek to respond diplomatically, building an essential international consensus for peace. “Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have insight, I have power. By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just;”(Proverbs‬ ‭8:14-15‬)

We will cover all of these in this prayer, so let’s pray:

Father, today we pray for Afghanistan.

In recent days we have witnessed the withdrawal of Western forces and the paramilitary overthrow of the country’s government by the Taliban.

We are deeply concerned about this unfolding situation and the consequences for the women, men and children living there.

Lord, You hear the cries and see the tears of those formed in Your own image.

We know that politics, diplomacy and international laws have an important part to play in creating and maintaining peace and stability. We pray for wisdom for international leaders in this moment.

Lord in Your mercy

Hear our prayer

However, we also see starkly the limits of such endeavours. Human efforts alone cannot compel love of neighbour, let alone enemy; rather this is the transformational territory of Your word and Spirit.

So would You move Your hand to change the hearts and minds of the oppressors even now? Withhold evil and cultivate good, banish darkness and bring forth light.

Lord in Your mercy

Hear our prayer

We declare Your nearness over those who have been abused and displaced, violated and oppressed. Would You open their ears and eyes to Your presence?

We pray for Your church there. Would You comfort and strengthen, protect and bless our sisters and brothers? As persecution draws close, would You draw closer still?

Lord in Your mercy

Hear our prayer

Teach us how to respond as we place our hope in You and Your good and just plans for Your creation.

Lord in Your mercy

Hear our prayer

For the sake of Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ

Amen (Source: EA)

Prayer for Haiti

One of the weaknesses of international media is that big stories can bury other really important news stories and this happened in the last week by ignoring a major tragedy in one of the world’s poorest nations.

On 14th August the country of Haiti was hit by an earthquake of magnitude 7.5. Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas and people live in weakly built structures and has suffered devastating earthquakes before, the last being of magnitude 7.0 in 2010, which killed about 160,000 people and caused billions of dollars worth of damage and the country hasn’t really got over it yet. The earthquake struck just six-weeks after the murder of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, and six year after destruction caused by Hurricane Matthew. Haitians fear this tragedy will further exacerbate medical shortages affecting the nation that also faces one of the worst outbreaks of COVID-19 in the western hemisphere. Things are a mess and is a major tragedy unfolding. Here’s a short video from Tearfund made about 5 days ago.

The death toll has now risen over 2000 but it is believed that there will be more casualties than this, although the area affected was much more rural this time. Most governmental help is coming from other American countries but international charities like Tearfund are also involved in the rescue effort. I’ve given more details on our website as well as information on how to donate. Amid such need, we call upon God who is our healer.


Heavenly Father, so much pain has befallen the country of Haiti. We know that you are both a God of mercy and a God of justice. We ask that you be present in this situation. We lift up to you the families who have lost loved ones and friends to the earthquake. We pray for the first responders and for those who search for survivors in the aftermath. May the men, women, children, and elderly affected by this earthquake receive comfort, peace, and healing from you.

Lord in Your mercy

Hear our prayer

Lord, whenever a tragic situation befalls a nation, it can often take a while for all the details to unfold. We pray that those who are facing uncertainty now may cling to you. We can only imagine the fear that many of my brothers and sisters in Christ are feeling in Haiti right now. They may be listening closely to the radio to the news for updates and are likely lifting up prayers to you know for comfort and guidance. Please bring them peace in the uncertainty. Remind them that you are always with them, even in the darkest valley. Show us how we can be of aid to our brothers and sisters in Haiti , not only through our prayers, but through our actions as well.

Lord in Your mercy

Hear our prayer

Lord, we pray for the Government of Haiti at this time as they mourn the murder of their President. Give them strength as they have to come to grips with the consequence of the earthquake. We pray for the international aid effort, that resources may be provided quickly to help survivors, support the health services and to provide shelter. We pray for Tearfund and other Christian agencies, that they may show the light and love of Jesus in their actions.

Lord in Your mercy

Hear our prayer

Lord Jesus, make Haiti new, a land where Gospel seeds are planted and godly fruit grows into an abundant harvest. And make us new, each and every day of our lives, so that we will abide in You, for Your glory and our joy.

We ask this in Jesus name,

Amen. (Source: Crosswalk)

Appeals for Afghanistan and Haiti

Several of the charities and missions we support have appeals for both Afghanistan and Haiti. If God is calling you to donate then here are the links to Tearfund which is supporting appeals to both destinations at the moment. Whether you give or not, please pray.

Afghanistan Donation Page

Haiti Donation Page