Frontline Sunday 2: Wherever we are


This Sunday 17th July, Mark explores the second of our series of Frontline Sundays at 10-30am at the church. Here is the introductory video.




Read Genesis 28:10-17

1. When God met Jacob, God promised to build a new community that would be a means of blessing to the whole world, through Jacob (v.13–15). It’s like God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 (discussed in Frontline Sunday 1). God’s promise is still with us. If we see ourselves as people who inherit this blessing, how might it change our perspective on our everyday lives?

2. Look at all the assurances that God gives Jacob in these verses (v13–15). How would they have changed Jacob’s understanding of his own life? Take a look at Matthew 28:20 (which sounds very similar). What difference can that make for our lives?

3. Have you ever experienced God’s presence in an ordinary and everyday place? What happened?

4. Jacob marked the spot by setting up a stone pillar and pouring oil on it. How could you mark a place in your everyday life to remind you that ‘God-encounters’ can happen there too?

(For Small Group Leaders ) There are more activities listed in the Small Group Study Notes


Because of the red warning for heat and the Government’s advice for older people to stay at home, we shall be holding our Church Meeting on July 19th on Zoom at 7-30pm Zoom details are below. Please endeavour to come as we shall be discussing the Church’s profile as part of the process of appointing a new Pastor.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 8483 0037 Passcode: 115656